
Live financial results

With Eitje, you have real-time insight into labor costs and revenue. View the financial results via the app or website, and make adjustments when necessary.

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"Eitje enables us to manage our KPIs with accuracy and in real-time. A must for every manager."
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Jaap Baarends

Director - Hotel Pauw

Eitje dashboard preview

Manage your planning with financial forecasts

See how expensive your schedule is with Eitje’s smart forecasts of revenue and labor costs.

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"Scheduling staff with Eitje and live insights into personnel costs is a game-changer."

Ramon Hermans

Owner - Beachclub C

Manage allowances

Create allowances to link to shifts and choose the type of allowance you want, such as a job allowance, irregularity allowance, or a holiday allowance.

Try Eitje for free

Eitje dashboard preview
Eitje dashboard preview

Export your financial data

Design your own Excel sheets and create subscriptions for people who want to receive this data regularly. Or work with our open API.

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A warm welcome

Schedule a meeting with the Eitje team

Schedule a meeting for a video call with our sales team, no strings attached. We will give you a 20 minute tour through Eitje. Pick a moment that works best for you!

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POS integrations

Integrate your POS for live revenue updates in Eitje.

Open API

Integrate your other software using our open API.

Enter data

Upload your revenue as results or forecasts.

Costs per employee

Enter per employee the exact hourly wage.

Conversion value

Include employer costs in the calculations.

Target value

Set targets for labour costs vs. revenue.

Revenue groups

Divide the revenue based on revenue groups.

Sales areas

Connect revenue to the sales areas.

Renumeration period

Set the start date of a renumeration period.

Frequently asked questions

Why are your integrations free?

How do you calculate the monthly invoice amount?

Are there any discounts?

What differentiates Eitje from other staff scheduling software?

How do I import team members from our HR systeem into Eitje?

Can I try Eitje for free?

Do you need payment details for the trial period?

Is Eitje cancellable on a monthly basis?